• Best Ways to Find Well-Paid Freelance Jobs

    How do writers working as freelancers find gigs? There are different sources providing leads for writers seeking to grow their writing business. Many who want to freelance from home as a writer may want to know how to find a lucrative freelance writing freelance writing job online. It helps to know where to look and who to connect with when searching for jobs.

  • Best Ways to Find Well-Paid Freelance Jobs

    Sometimes it takes a little research and creativity to find work. The following sources provide basic insight on where to find writing gigs as a freelancer.

Blog Forums for Writers

Forums for writers are available in abundance with many providing leads based on genre. If you like writing non-fiction, search for forums for non-fiction writers. Think about personal interests such as fashion, cooking, and parenting.


Forums can feature multiple genres giving writers multiple leads. In order to get an idea of where to look for work it helps to learn about types of freelance writing jobs available and what you may qualify for based on personal interests.

Social Media Groups and Boards

The next time you log in to your social media account consider visiting pages or groups for writers. Many have job boards for writers sharing job openings and tips on how to get the gig. Many of the pages are run by legitimate companies providing leads and other useful information freelancers find valuable.

Check Local Businesses

Working with a local business is a great way for new freelancers to get work. Small and large businesses often work with other businesses to promote their services. You can offer a service based on their outreach to customers such as a newsletter, emails, brochures, and so on.

Content writing

Ask if they would like to have custom written content for their customers or employees. You may be surprised at what you learn and how your services may be of value to them.

Online Job Sites

When new to freelancing it helps to have a source to provide insight on where jobs are available. Understanding what is required for any writing gig includes reviewing freelance writing job description content available with listings you find during your search.

More options

Many sites of this nature make it easy for you to search for specific types of writing gigs. Take your time exploring these options and consider bookmarking two or three sources to start your search.

Extensive Search

Finding jobs that pay well as a freelancer may take some research, but time spent searching reputable sources can pay off. Ask fellow writers for leads.

If you don’t have anyone to reach out, start networking through groups for writers.

  • "Use telecommuting sites to learn about writing opportunities available locally and abroad..."

    Rene Brown, sales manager

  • " Ask local businesses if they are interested in hiring a writer for their website or promotional content needs."

    Brain Rice, freelance writer

  • "Contact writers currently working in an area of writing you want to be and get their opinion and advice."

    Andi Simond, recruiter

  • "Have multiple sources lined up to help you find lucrative work with ease."

    Kristy Gabbor, journalist